News & Knowledge

10 Way To Improve Business Security


Perhaps the one thing that connects business owners, irrespective of the field and business size, is the continued security of their businesses. Business security goes to the core of every business and when compromised, it affects everything from profits to customers’ safety and staff’s confidence in the business.

The 2021 Commercial Victimisation Survey (CVS) estimated that 38% of business premises in the Wholesale and retail sector in England and Wales had been a victim of crime between April 2020 and March 2021. This is similar to the 2018 prevalence rate (40%), though lower than the 2012 prevalence rate (53%).

The most common type of crime experienced by premises in the sector was theft (27%), followed by assaults or threats (12%) and burglary (10%).

Consequently, creating secure premises and a safe environment should be a priority for every business owner. Below are ways to improve business security, and they apply across boards.

  1. Install CCTV

Protecting your business from crime is extremely important and should be part of the day-to-day running of any company.

In the place of business, there is no overemphasising the benefit of installing CCTVs. For one, it considerably deters crime due to the easy identification of culprits.

Another benefit of this is that it encourages employee productivity. When employees are aware that they are being monitored, they tend to put more effort into the work. In turn, this improves customers’ satisfaction.

  1. Set Clear Security Objectives

It is not just enough to install CCTV around the business premises and call it a day. You need to set out clear objectives that you aim to achieve with such installation.

Is the main aim to monitor your employees? Do you wish to scare off potential burglars? Is the video surveillance for your evaluation of employees and customers?

A clear objective will guide you in deciding the type of CCTV camera that would suit the needs of your business. There are different types of cameras and systems designed to meet different objectives.

  1. Create a Crisis Management Plan

Irrespective of the security measures put in place, it is still advisable for a business owner to have a crisis management plan. This is because security incidents cannot totally be ruled out and a crisis management plan will help to respond better.

An effective crisis management plan will inform employees of their individual or collective roles when an unpleasant situation rears its head. It will also equip them with the necessary training that will be instrumental to their roles.

An effective crisis management plan will also leave room for the review of the crisis at a later date to prevent any future recurrence.

  1. Restrict the Number of Persons Privy to Security Information

Having your security information accessible to too many persons or employees defeats the purpose of a business security option.

As much as possible, keep your security details like passwords within a select number of persons.

You should also stay vigilant. Make sure to update your security details when an employee leaves, especially when they are among the few people aware of the business’s security details.

  1. Hire Security Guards

Security guards are a necessary element of every business security. With them, Monitoring and maintenance of the activities in and around your premises, the possibility of crime is substantially reduced.

Hiring security guards also helps to boost the general feeling of safety of your staff and customers.

  1. Routinely Check Your Technology

In the world of technology, things move quickly and newly updated products are regularly being introduced. A reputable installer will happily offer you advice on which products are best suited for your business needs.

  1. Consider Access Systems

Installing access systems to the premises can improve security and minimize risk, allowing you complete control over who is allowed into the building.

  1. Consider Seasonal Changes

The change of seasons has an impact on the functionality of CCTV cameras, as well as the quality of the camera feed. For instance, heavy rain or snow could distort the camera’s vision. High-temperature weather could also cause the camera to malfunction.

As such, always keep in mind the effect of seasonal changes and adjust the CCTV as necessary.

  1. Put a maintenance plan in place

Having a maintenance plan will ensure that your security system is operating at its optimal performance and will reduce the chance of costly false alarms and faults within the system.

  1. Use a reputable installer

Security is one of those costs that seem unwarranted until you need it! Ensure that you use a reputable company to install and maintain your systems. Having a reliable security partner will mean that false alarms and faults are quickly dealt with ensuring that your business security is not compromised.

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