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Security Solutions for small businesses

Every business, whether a well-established or a developing one, is susceptible to security threats. Business premises are prone to theft, burglary, and other criminal activities.

Asides from brainstorming on how to generate income, business owners also worry about the security of their businesses. And for small businesses, the stakes are much higher, since they are easier targets.

However, all hope is not lost, as some security options are best suited to small businesses and their security needs. They can thus take advantage of advanced technology that can offer them reliable security options. Some of these options are discussed below.

  1. Monitored Alarm Systems

Alarm systems are a reliable security option for small businesses because they protect them from burglary, theft, fires, etc. When triggered, the alarms send signals to the central control unit, alerting the necessary persons or units, and thus giving room for immediate action.

Alarms like these may be monitored internally or by external centres. In some instances, they may be linked directly to Police action, which makes for a quick response. An example of this is the silent alarm used in banks, to alert the Police when there’s been a break-in.


  1. CCTV

It is almost impossible to talk about security measures for businesses, whether big or small, and not mention the installation of video surveillance. Over the years, the CCTV security system has made its way to the top of the most used security systems in businesses of all sorts.

Whether it’s a retail outlet or a manufacturing company, businesses must consider video surveillance. While employing security guards is a commendable effort at ensuring security, nothing or no one can capture every activity in the business premises as much as a CCTV.

The functionality of CCTV is a two-way street. For one, it prevents crime action from taking place within the business premises. Secondly in the event of a crime, it helps for easy recognition and apprehension of the culprits.


  1. Cybersecurity

With the ease of attack on small businesses, cybersecurity has stopped being a security option restricted to only large corporations. Small businesses like retail outlets and restaurants that collect payment at the point of sale have also become targets of cyberattacks at unprecedented levels.

And because employees are the weak link of exposure to attacks like this, it has become paramount for businesses to not only be cyber security-conscious but also train their employees to be.

  1. K9 Security

This is another security option that can be adopted by small businesses. It serves as a visual deterrent to potential intruders and can respond to intrusion quicker than other options.

Many businesses opt for this canine security because of their greater sense of smell and hearing, compared to human guards. They’re also a more active security option because they can actively react to criminal activities within the business premises at the moment that it happens, unlike video surveillance that is passive by merely recording.

K9 security units can be used by any type and size of business such as; shopping malls, airports, schools, etc.

Final Thoughts


With the security solutions proffered, the next thing to consider is the suitability of each option to your business needs. You also need to evaluate the option that would help to achieve better, your business goals and objectives.

Other factors that will help to determine the option you go for are the nature of your business, the security level of your business area, potential expansion of business among other things.

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