News & Knowledge

Should we install CCTV in Nurseries

  The question as to whether or not to install CCTV in nurseries can be a divisive debate. While some believe it is a good way for parents to ensure the safety of their children, others believe it to be an infringement of children’s privacy. Also, the regulating laws have differing stances. Because of the delicate nature of this argument, the decision to implement safety monitoring in an early years’ childcare environment should be weighed with care. The pros and cons of it should thus be considered.

Pros of CCTV in Nurseries

  1. It helps to assure parents of their toddler’s safety. This is a particularly welcome development for new parents who may be worried about the welfare of their children in the initial months of leaving them alone.
  1. The video coverage of CCTV can help prove the innocence of a staff wrongly accused. On the other hand, it can also be used as evidence of a wrong by the police.
  1. It is easy for nurseries to evaluate and review the quality of care they provide. This may help them provide better services.
  1. In the event of a false accusation, the camera feed from a CCTV can help before much damage is done to the reputation of a business or a staff member.
  1. The consciousness that they are being monitored helps to keep the staff in check by encouraging good practices and increasing productivity.
  1. It helps to inform parents of the trajectory of their toddlers’ day in emergency cases. For instance, where a child sustains an injury or comes down with allergies, the camera feed would help the parent understand what went wrong and how thus informing their subsequent decisions.
  1. It also helps parents check staff interaction with their children.

Cons of CCTV in Nurseries

  1. Some parents view it as an unethical medium of surveillance as well as an infringement of their children’s privacy.
  2. Parents’ discomfort with other parents watching their children when they request for the feed.
Notwithstanding this debate, the pros of the installation of CCTV in nurseries cannot be overlooked. Besides, some activities may be used to circumvent such installation. As such, nurseries may choose to follow these guidelines when installing CCTV:
  1. Before installing the CCTV, the nursery should undertake a Privacy Impact Assessment, explaining the reason for the installation, what it seeks to achieve, who can access the camera footage, how long the footage would be kept, among other considerations.
Parents must be given prior notification and their consent obtained before any such installation.
  1. The CCTV footage should only be accessible by some select few; key staff and senior management. This is to prevent the easy accessibility of the feed to any and every person. This is further to protect the privacy of students.
  1. Even after obtaining parents’ consent, school management must ensure that they are well within the authorisation of the local council and other authorities to install video surveillance.
  1. School management must ensure that such installation does not infringe on the rights of vulnerable parties.
  2. When parents wish to see the camera footage of their children, this request should be reviewed by a Board, and the consent of other parents obtained.


At this juncture, it would appear that the installation of CCTV in nurseries is a beneficial investment and one that should be considered. It is not only beneficial to nurseries, but also the parents.
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