Case Studies
Lab Fit have been helping organisations of all sizes in a variety of industries to design and construct modern turnkey laboratories and commercial offices.

Labfit have recently acquired a new unit that had an operational but somewhat basic intruder alarm with a speech dialler which no longer works with the new digital phonelines now installed by BT. The entrance door was insecure during opening hours which meant anyone can wander into the office which is a safety and security risk, although the could lock the door from the inside this would then create a potential safety issue, if the building needed to be vacated in an emergency it would then slow down the occupants reaching safety. To further enhance the security and safety of the office and staff the client decided to have CCTV installed. The unit itself needs to be adapted to suit the needs of Labfit and as a result of the alterations both the fire and intruder alarms have been compromised so remedial works need to carried out.
Commercial project
Installation and Maintenance
Camsafe Approach
Camsafe have provided a new state of the art intruder alarm system that has an app attached so the client can view the status of the alarm from anywhere in the world (providing a signal/wifi is available), the app also allows the used to see who has been setting and unsetting the alarm, ensure the alarm has been set when the office is empty and gives notifications if the alarm is activated direct to any smartphone paired with system. This then means, with the new CCTV system we have installed, he can then switch to the CCTV app and look in via the cameras to see if anyone is in the unit so can then take the appropriate action to deal with any security breach.
The intruder alarm also has a panic/hold up facility so any workers within the building can raise the alarm if they feel threatened or unsafe in anyway.
Due to the new lay out not some areas were no longer covered by intruder detectors so additional detection was installed to ensure any intrusion was quickly detected and alarm sounded.
This then leads to the issue of security and safety with the main entrance door, this was solved by installed a high strength door hold magnet. To enter the building it would require a cardholder to hold their programmed card to the external reader to release the magnet so entry van be gained. For a visitor they are able to press an external button and let the building occupants know they are there and then can be let in once Identification has been confirmed.
For exit there is a simple push button available internally to allow a simple exit, in case of an emergency a callpoint is also installed which, when pushed, will release the magnet until it is reset and will allow a safe and speedy exit for the building occupants.
To solve the issue of the fire alarm being compromised with the new layout new fire detection was installed on the new false ceiling to provide optimal and fast smoke protection to reduce the time the alarm is sounded. The fire alarm was also connected to the intruder alarm which would then provide notifications via the intruder app to the client so if a fire were to break out while the building was secured and unoccupied the client had a much higher chance of reducing loss of contents.
Full protection of the building, assets, facilities and people in accordance with best practice, regulatory compliance, while maintaining the aesthetics of the building.
The project was focused on making the best use of today’s technology to ensure safety, security and functionality.
All work was completed on time and within budget. We also delivered training on the access control system so the client can make changes to the system in the future.
A maintenance plan was also put in place to ensure the system is working as required.